In this time it is very important to take care of your health, and physical conditioning is key to staying fit. For this reason, we make the following content available that you can access from the comfort of your home.

How to take care of health during isolation?

Vida Saludable 1

Have a balanced and varied diet

Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant and animal proteins, and healthy fats is the best way to get all the essential nutrients for good health and normal immune function.

Isolation can cause less activity, so it's important to pay close attention to portions and keep our energy balance adjusted to meet our needs.

Vida saludable 2

Establish a routine and practice mindful eating
Tips for mindful eating:

  • Don't eat on the go – it's hard to know how much you're eating. Sit down.
  • Resist eating straight from the bag/box. Serve your food – you will be able to see and appreciate what and how much you are eating.
  • Eliminate distractions. Turn off the television and everything that has a screen, such as computers, phones, etc., while you eat.
  • Take small bites and chew well, trying to focus on the smell, taste, and texture of the food. Try to chew 30 times each bite.
  • Leave the cutlery on the table between bites. Don't pick them up until you've swallowed what's already in your mouth.
  • Don't try to finish the whole plate. If you feel full, store leftover food safely.

Motivated for an active and healthy lifestyle?


The Nutrition and Dietetics Program has prepared some tips for a better diet in this time of isolation. Thank you for this great contribution to the UniSinú community!


The Nutrition and Dietetics Program has prepared some tips for a better diet in this time of isolation. Thank you for this great contribution to the UniSinú community!

Exercise routine to stay healthy

Sport BUNI Cardiopulmonary exercises

Intensity management is individual, the best way is to work progressively from 15 seconds onwards, in the execution of each exercise of the training circuit.

Important: Hydration, healthy eating and rest.

Sport BUNI Cardiovascular exercises

Cardiovascular exercise routines are performed by series of 4 repetitions, for 30 seconds with intervals of 15 seconds of rest.

Sport BUNI Stretching - yoga and stretching legs.

Sport BUNI Lower Body

The routines to exercise the lower body are performed by series of 4 by 12 repetitions each.

Sport BUNI Upper Body

The routines to exercise the upper body are performed by series of 4 by 12 repetitions each.

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