
Increase the possibilities of participation of boys, girls, adolescents and young people in processes of initiation, foundation and improvement of sports activity, as a fundamental element in the integral formation of the individual seeking to improve the quality of life of the population.

The main objective of the Unisinú Sports Initiation and Training School is to promote the practice of sports and train students with a broad command of the fundamental elements of individual and team sports, with the ability to apply them in sports games and competitions, as well as the development in values and social interaction.

Members are required to:

  • Comply with the legal, statutory, regulatory and disciplinary provisions, agreements and resolutions that regulate the sports initiation and training school.
  • Participate in general activities.
  • Punctually attend the training and competitions for which they are registered.
  • Comply faithfully with the established norms.


To enter the Unisinú Sports Initiation and Training School. students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Carry a medical certificate that certifies that you are fit to practice sports.
  2. Fill out the registration form or respective registration.
  3. Deliver the respective documents such as a copy of the identity document and EPS card, and any other document required by the School, such as informed consent, permits, among others.
  4. Photocopy of the identity documents of the Parents.
  5. Submit two (2) passport-size photos on a white background (3×4).
  6. Cancel the value of the registration and the monthly support fee.


Teapots: 2016-2017-2018. 3-5 years
Baby bottles: 2014- 2015. 6- 7 years
Pre-pony: 2012- 2013. 8- 9 years
Pony: 2010-2011. 10-11 years
Pre-child: 2007-2008-2009. 12-13-14 years
Childish: 2005- 2006. 15-16 years
Youth: 2004- 2003. 17 years

Training Schedules

Teapots and Teapots:
Monday and Wednesday Time: 3:20- 4:40 PM

Pre-pony, Pony and Pre-infant:
Monday and Wednesday Time: 4:40 pm to 6:00 pm.


Children and Youth:

Tuesday Thursday Friday. Time: 3:40-5:30 PM


Competing affiliates have the right to enjoy the services, benefits and incentives established, to participate in events and competitions scheduled or promoted by the school.

Student Homework

Parent Duties

  1. Be enrolled in the UniSinú School of Sports Initiation and Training.
  2. Comply with the delivery of the necessary documents for the legalization of your registration.
  3. Arrive on time for training sessions.
  4. Attend classes or practice sessions in the proper uniform.
  5. Not be absent from class until the end of it or with the proper authorization of the teacher.
  6. Use the distinctive uniform of the program only in its activities.
  7. Maintain order and discipline in the facilities where sports activities are carried out.
  8. Actively participate in sporting events.
  9. Non-attendance to classes five (5) consecutive or alternate opportunities during the year, without just cause, will cause calls for attention or the withdrawal of the student from the program.
  10. Attend classes maintaining the minimum personal hygiene requirements.
  11. Maintain good conduct, loyally complying with the rules and regulations of the UniSinú Sports Training School.
  12. Maintain a good academic performance in your Formal Education Institution, for which you must bring a copy of your transcript.
  13. You must treat your classmates, teachers, administrators and others involved in the program with respect.
  1. Have a good appearance, personal cleanliness and care of your child's sports uniform when sending him to participate in the activities of the UniSinú Sports Initiation and Training School.
  2. Guarantee the permanent and continuous assistance of your child.
  3. Attend the meetings scheduled by the UniSinú Sports Initiation and Training School.
  4. Use the regular channels offered by the program, to solve all the inconveniences that arise.
  5. Contribute ideas and offer permanent support and collaboration for the benefit and development of the UniSinú School of Sports Initiation and Training.
  6. Guarantee the registration of their children to a health promoting entity.
  7. Make the monthly payment on time according to the due date.
  8. Whatever the reason for the withdrawal of the athlete, it is necessary to report it to the administration of the UniSinú Sports Initiation and Training School, at least fifteen (15) days before, in order to deliver peace and safe.
  9. The others that, as a parent or guardian of a member of a group, must be fulfilled for the benefit of their children.



310 3663967 Tel. 6517013 ext 3385
