Course – New Trends in Law in the Context of Public Health Emergency

  • Identify and develop new trends in law.
  • Establish the regulatory and legal framework in the State of Emergency.
  • Know the legal alternatives to contain the current problem.
  • All of the above has as its main objective that the participants have an academic and practical knowledge about the topics that will be addressed in order to fulfill our institutional mission, to train people with a social sense and purposeful in the face of the new situations that the world poses.

The course aims to make a practical legal study of the new trends in law in relation to the current situation in the country and the world due to the public health contingency that we face due to Covid-19, this is how it is prevailing for every lawyer, law student and any professional in general to know what the rights and guarantees are in the framework of the state of emergency.

In a state of emergency such as the one Colombia is currently facing, fundamental rights and guarantees tend to yield to the general interest, to guarantee, in this case, the well-being of the republic and the health of all its inhabitants; Despite this, it is important to be clear that there is a legal figure known as the essential nucleus of the rights that must be guaranteed in any situation, when a citizen considers being affected by any public or private authority, he has at his disposal constitutional mechanisms that seek to protect postulates. essential at any time.

Now, if a citizen intends to put into operation the Administration of Justice, he must know what are the technological means that are enabled by the Colombian state so that this branch of public power continues to operate to protect and guarantee the existence of a social state of law.

On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account that the economy and the world of work have undergone a great change in the administration of their human capital in response to the public health contingency, this is how we have used new forms of work that despite If it existed in our legal system, it was not commonly used by businessmen in the country. We also have industrial sectors in particular that have paralyzed their operations as a result of government orders at the local and national levels, for which they must close their operations, in In these cases, employees and employers have several alternatives offered by the labor legal system to contain these unfair consequences, such as voting, review of the employment contract, suspension, flexible working hours, salary without personal provision of the service, among other figures that we will address in the development of the course. .

In Colombia, a series of decrees have been issued with the force of law by Mr.

President and there are constantly circulars and / or resolutions issued by the ministries where they regulate topics of great interest such as aid to the unemployed worker, payment of bank loans, economic aid, payments of public services, etc.

According to the reality that the country and the world are experiencing, it is important, necessary and urgent to clearly address current trends in law in Colombia, taking as a reference that the crisis has generated Covid-19 and the new legal figures that have been implemented. in the regulatory framework, as well as all the measures that can be executed to guarantee the social state of law.

Studying the current legal institutions makes the professional and student up-to-date and has the capacity to propose useful and pertinent solutions in the sector where they are working or generating academic speculations.

The Course "NEW TRENDS IN LAW IN THE EMERGENCY CONTEXT OF PUBLIC HEALTH" is addressed to: for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Law, Economics, Social Communication, among others. Public officials, members of social organizations, social leaders and any interested professional.

The study plan for The Course: NEW TRENDS IN LAW IN THE EMERGENCY CONTEXT OF PUBLIC HEALTH was developed by highly trained professionals with extensive experience in pedagogical training.

This program includes 5 modules in which each participant can study at their own pace and from anywhere, obtaining results that will increase their professional opportunities.

UNIT 1. Fundamental rights and their application in a state of emergency

UNIT 2. Constitutional actions for the enforceability and respect of fundamental rights

UNIT 3. TICS and the Colombian administration of justice in the face of the Covid-19 contingency

UNIT 4. Labor alternatives in the face of the situation that companies are experiencing

UNIT 5. Regulation issued by the National Government in the face of the state of emergency


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