Course – Liquidation of Payroll and Social Benefits 

Liquidacion de nominas_Mesa de trabajo 1
  • Provide the participants with a complete knowledge about all the regulations of the Substantive Labor Code that currently regulates labor legislation and, therefore, the liquidation of payroll and social benefits in Colombia, through practical workshops that allow consolidating competence in The matter.
  • Apply the tools and regulations in force in Colombia in labor matters, to make the professional and personal performance of the participants more efficient and effective.

The liquidation of payroll and social benefits is one of the most delicate processes that all organizations have, regardless of their size or the activity to which they are dedicated; However, despite being a process of very high frequency, it is also usually a source of difficulties and conflicts, generally originating from the occurrence of errors or from an updated lack of knowledge of the regulations that regulate this matter.

This is an opportunity for those in charge of this process in companies to update their knowledge and significantly improve their skills around this matter, thus preventing errors and the imposition of onerous fines, sanctions, lawsuits and conflicts for your organization. .

The recognition and payment of substantial compensation and interest in favor of the workers, as well as fines and sanctions imposed by the Ministry of Social Protection, the Social Security entities, the Sena, the ICBF, among others, creating an environment of conflict that generally undermines the profitability, permanence, growth and positioning of companies.

In a high percentage, these conflicts are the product of ignorance of current regulations and/or misinterpretation of the decisions of the high courts by those who are responsible for applying them.

In response to this problem, the Department of Continuing Education, in interaction with the Public Accounting Program of the Universidad del Sinú – Cartagena Section, proposes to carry out the Payroll and Social Benefits Settlement course, in face-to-face mode, essential for students, workers and other participants in general, enhance their knowledge on the subject, while strengthening professional and work performance, contributing to the protection of resources and the maximization of organizational profitability.

The Payroll and Social Benefits Settlement course is aimed at:

  • Accountants, business administrators, lawyers, accounting assistants and all those professionals in charge of the payroll area and/or interested in the subject.

The study plan for the Payroll and Social Benefits Settlement course was developed by highly trained professionals with extensive experience in pedagogical training.

This program includes 6 modules in which each participant can study at their own pace and from anywhere, obtaining results that will increase their professional opportunities.

Module I Generalities
· Labor legislation
· Work contract
· Workday
· Social benefits
· Social Security
· Compensation
Surcharges and overtime
Dismissals for just cause and without just cause
· Other employee benefits
Module II Salaries
salary payments
· Minimum salary
Comprehensive Salary
Salary classification
· Bonuses
· Paid and unpaid leave
Module III Deductions
Allowed and prohibited discounts
· Borrowing capacity
withholding at source
· Warrants
Module IV Social benefits
· Layoffs
· Severance interest
· Holidays
· Cousins
· Endowment
· Extralegal benefits
Module V Social Security
· Health
parafiscal contributions
· Occupational disease
· Work accident
· Integrated contribution form
Module VI Settlement
· Practical workshop on liquidation and posting of payroll, social benefits and social security
· Integrated contribution form

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